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Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In

Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In

The Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In speed ladder drill can be used by all athletes to improve synergy of the neuromuscular system, footwork, body control and coordination.

During the Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In speed ladder drill the focus is on improving neural pathways (nervous system signal transmission) to enhance overall neuromuscular system efficiency since improvements of the neuromuscular system will allow the athlete to move faster on the tennis court.

In particular we want to improve the quick start footwork sequence when rushing sideways to hit a forceful ground stroke.

First you have to emphasize perfect movement mechanics of the Speed Ladder Drill to improve movement economy and hence maximize foot speed because we don’t want to “waste” any energy for undesirable movements.

Once you can perform the Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In Speed Ladder Drill in perfect form you want to increase the speed until you can execute it at maximum velocity before you progress onto the advanced- and professional level (explained below).

Because you are holding a tennis racquet in your hands while moving on the tennis court upper body movement mechanics (arms) don’t have to be in sync with lower body movement mechanics (legs) for maximum performance improvements and hence can be neglected.

Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In Description

Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In
(c) by Phil Halfmann – all rights reserved

No balls are being fed by the teaching pro. The player, holding a racquet, stands behind the baseline in the center and:

  1. Moves through a speed ladder via “Lateral Fast Feet” toward deuce-court while looking down at speed ladder
  2. Simulates hitting 1 groundstroke by stepping inside agility ring with the left foot, swinging, then rotating forward with the right foot, transitioning the body inside the baseline
  3. Transitions through speed ladder via “Lateral Fast Feet” while looking forward
  4. Simulates hitting 1 groundstroke by stepping inside agility ring with the right foot, then rotating forward with the left foot, transitioning the body inside the baseline
  5. Transition back via “Lateral Fast Feet” while looking down at speed ladder

Lateral Fast Feet Groundstroke Step In Progressions

If you use additional weights…make sure you use appropriate weight so you can control the action throughout the entire range of motion. Otherwise you defeat the purpose of the exercise.

Very often, people use too much resistance and they become sloppy. Especially when it comes to maintaining dynamic stability and hitting in the same spots repetitively.

Also, don’t just progress with adding more weight. First, maximize the speed while maintaining perfect form. Next extend the length of the speed ladder.

Increasing the length of the speed ladder makes it more challenging for the nervous system!

Here are the progression levels:

  1. Beginner: look at your feet while moving through the speed ladder
  2. Advanced: look forward while moving through the speed ladder
  3. Professional: look forward & track an object (e.g, coach) while moving through the speed ladder

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Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.