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Wrist Flexor Stretch

Wrist Flexor Stretch

The Wrist Flexor Stretch improves flexibility of the wrist flexors and should be done regularly to reduce the risk for wrist injuries.

Tennis players can experience nagging wrist injuries due to flexibility, strengths and overuse issues at the wrist. Especially when working on the serve snap or forehand topspin.

Therefore it is advisable that you incorporate the flexor stretch into your static stretching routine.

The wrist stretch also aids in the muscle recovery process and can noticeably reduce muscle soreness the following day.

Implement the stretch into your static stretching routine post training or workout. This is also a great time to relax mentally.

Either close your eyes and focus on your breathing or you can also listen to relaxing music.

After you are finished stretching out you should feel relaxed and ready for a good massage!

Wrist Flexor Stretch Description Summary

Wrist Flexor Stretch
Wrist Flexor Stretch
  1. Flex shoulder to 90˚, extend the elbow, externally rotate the arm, and extend the wrist; fingers point outward
  2. Grab fingers with the other hand and pull towards the shoulder
  3. Hold stretch for 45 seconds

Wrist Flexor Stretch Targeted Musculature

  • flexor carpi radialis
  • flexor carpi ulnaris
  • digitorum superficialis & profundus (flexor)
  • flexor pollicis longus


Other Stretches For You

Apart from the wrist stretch we have some other stretches for you that target the muscles acting on the shoulder.

Simply click on them to learn more or watch the videos:

Wrist Extensor Stretch
Overhead Triceps Stretch
Overhead Triceps Stretch
Pectoralis Stretch

Training Zone

We provide you with some more workouts and training tips you may be interested in to optimize your training.

Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.